
Zarr Dataset I/O

Zarr Dataset I/O

Converting NWB HDF5 files to/from Zarr

Converting NWB HDF5 files to/from Zarr

ZarrIO Overview

ZarrIO Overview

Creating NWB files using NWBZarrIO

Creating NWB files using NWBZarrIO



This NWB file was downloaded from DANDIset 000009 The file was modified to replace : characters used in the name of the ElectrodeGroup called ADunit: 32 in 'general/extracellular_ephys/ to 'ADunit_32'. The dataset general/extracellular_ephys/electrodes/group_name as part of the electrodes table was updated accordingly to list the appropriate group name. This is to avoid issues on Windows file systems that do not support : as part of folder names. The asses can be downloaded from DANDI via:

1from dandi.dandiapi import DandiAPIClient
2dandiset_id = "000009"
3filepath = "sub-anm00239123/sub-anm00239123_ses-20170627T093549_ecephys+ogen.nwb"   # ~0.5MB file
4with DandiAPIClient() as client:
5    asset = client.get_dandiset(dandiset_id, 'draft').get_asset_by_path(filepath)
6    s3_path = asset.get_content_url(follow_redirects=1, strip_query=True)
7    filename = os.path.basename(asset.path)

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